Friday, July 6, 2012

Andover NH 70th 4th of July Celebration

The day started off with rain... oh no ...not again!!! But soon the sun was out, the people started to arrive and it turned out to be a beautiful day. Always a good day in Andover. It was Andover's 70th 4th of July Celebration with 50 entries in the parade. There was also a 5k race in the morning, a car show in the afternoon and of course FIREWORKS that night. A flea market,book sale and awesome food vendors rounded out the day. 

Ride to the Sky --- Mt Washington June 14, 2012

Ride to the Sky at Mt Washington
Our first time at the "Ride to the Sky" during Laconia Bike Week 2012 was a beautiful day at the base of Mt Washington. Many bikers took advantage of the the great weather and they say you could see for miles and miles and miles.